We Change Lives Here


This nationwide MOMs group is for play dates, get togethers, personal growth, business growth, wants and needs, questions, and a forum for moms to share information.


MOMnation began in 2014 in Arizona and has since grown to 3 other groups.



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What Moms Say About MOMnation

Admins hope this is ok... I am SO greatful FB has provided us with the option to post things anonymously... I just want to say that I've been a part of this group for not super long at all, but please know, if you're new here or embarrassed about something you're posting... Don't be embarrassed, we have ALL been through rought times and most of us are STILL going through it! Including myself 😒😂 I will brag and rant all day long about this group because LADIES you are ALL so awesome!!! I've seen myself and towards others, women go completely out of their way to help another mom and it seriously warms my heart to see such a LARGE group of women who are so open and willing to help one another!!! And admins, seriously, thank you all for being sooo prompt and quick about questions and issues!!! You don't see that anymore and I know more than myself if greatful!!!! I guess what I'm saying is, I absolutely adore this group and please use the anonymous if it makes you feel comfortable 💯 but please just know... No one here is judging you!!! Love you all and in case no one has told you today, I'm proud of you!!!!

Nicole LaFreniere

This group brought Dana Wilson into my life & I've never been more grateful! Through everything me and my family went through for the last year she was there and supportive through it all. My girls immediately fell in love and now call her Auntie or Bestie. She was a text/call away when life threw everything at us, and was there with open arms when life finally let us have a win. You're amazing and I can't thank you enough for everything! From just being a friend when I needed one, to fighting for us when people were being turds, to driving through a literal storm to see us on moving day! ❤️❤️ We love you and you'll always be apart of our lives (and a jungle gym for the girls lol)

Marion Fey

Can I just say that MOMnation is the best! 🥰 Being a single mom in a new area where I only know 1 person has made life even harder. However I’m so thankful for this group, that no matter what, I know I can always count on you amazing women. This is the second time I’ve had a MOMnation mom friend connect me with one of their friends or family members that is nearby. Because of this group I have a new friend, and my daughter does too!!! They got to play today.

Cheri Tatar

I just want to express the insane gratitude that I have for this group. It really is something special. I don't even know how I came upon it a couple months back but I'm blown away by the love and kindness within it. Mamas helping mamas. Whether it's a meal, a kind comment, a reassurance in a life decision, opinions on particular questions, nights out, activities, play dates ect. In a world that has been angered, stressed, tired and hateful I always open this page and smile. My littlest is 3 so I'm out of the nursing, 1st foods, crawling stage but I read them and I smile because of all the love that is within this community. I moved here a month ago from Chicago, had the best moms group at home, these women became my best friends, we traveled together, our families bbq'd every weekend together and when my mom, my best friend in the whole world passed away 2 yrs ago I was floored. These girls held me up when I couldn't hold myself up. It's such a beautiful thing to see. Whether you co sleep/ or cry it out, breast feed or bottle, home school or public, vegan or steak lover, baby wearing or stroller pushing we all have one beautiful thing that unites us, and that is motherhood. Katie Halle Lambert thank you for being a constant in our lives. A constant here. Some days my hair is in a bun, I haven't showered in days, my kids are driving me bat shit, I'm sleep deprived, and I want to give up, I just lock myself in the bathroom (I usually tell the family I'm pooping, while little hands start coming under the door) and check this group. I love it. It makes my heart smile. Just wanted to say I'm honored to be surrounded by all of you. I feel so grateful to have found an awesome group of mamas. Cheers! 💜💜💜🍾🍷🍻💜💜💜

Jill Dench

So many amazing mommas in this group ❤❤ Everyday I smile at all the pictures of little ones and it makes me happy to be apart of such a great community! So many hard working full time mommy's! I would love to meet more of you!! Making mommy friends is hard. We are always pretty free on the weekends.

Steffy Shobe

Thank you for finding me my soul mamas. Thank you for being there for me the last almost 5 years. As I pack I am reminded of how many times I turned to all of you for advice. As I take my next journey alone for a small period of time I wish all you mamas the best. Remember you are made for this, being Mom is tough but you were made to do this. For New Mommies to be, have faith in your instincts do what’s best for your family not everyone will agree with everything you do and that’s ok. To the admin team thank you for being amazing as my friends and as great leaders of this group. I hope to find a new Mom group in Switzerland but I won’t forget any of you! I will be back often and while my time with my children will be split between two countries I am doing what’s best for my family. MOMNation has been my family the last 5 years and I am thankful! I have great memories of MomProm and Las Vegas trips I will take these with me and when I am in town I will visit with those I have developed great friendships with. Remember mamas you are perfectly imperfect and your children love and look up to you! Don’t be afraid to go against the grain! I love you MOMNation! Thank you for the support and love! I will still be on FaceBook even if I dont see you all I will be here!

Alicia Hintermann

We ladies are all so lucky to have this group. Thank you all for making it as amazing as it is!! Especially our amazing admins Cheri Ramo and Katie Halle Lambert!!! You all have made this new Phoenician feel so welcome, and I'm forever grateful. East Valley MOMnation rocks!!!! I love you all!

Lauren Getz

I've been on this group for few years now and it's been such a safe place to come and get advice as well as see others going thru the same thing which makes it easier to get thru life. I've met some very kind people here and I love being part of the group

Karen Bethel

I am so thankful for this group, to share my experience with an incredible mom group that has truly transformed my life. From joining the group I felt an overwhelming sense of community and support. These amazing women in here come from diverse backgrounds, yet we all share the common goal of supporting and uplifting each other through the joys and challenges of motherhood. One of the most remarkable aspects of this group is the genuine friendships that have formed. We celebrate each other's milestones, offer a shoulder to cry on during tough times, and provide invaluable advice and resources. Whether it's organizing playdates, sharing parenting tips, or simply getting together for mom dates/events, the bond we share is truly special. This mom group has not only enriched my life but also positively impacted my family. Knowing that I have a reliable network of friends who understand and support me has made a world of difference. I am incredibly grateful to be part of such an awesome group of moms who inspire and empower each other every day.

Mia Lenee

MOMnation has been an amazing place to see women supporting each other and helping. Seeing all the house listing and school recommendations is really cool too. Non judgmental group that genuinely seems to care about one another unlike so many other mom groups.


I love so many things about MOMnation. I love I can come there for questions and support. There’s rules in place to prevent name calling and it’s a great resource. In MOMnation, you can find many resources for homes , restaurants, services . The culture is to lift up each other and encourages you to be the best mom you can be in whatever way you want . I appreciate the inclusion of all family types . MOMnation has many events to meet new moms and make new friends. I like The fact that MOMnation offers anonymous suppose that way the moms that are scared to ask for help still canned without feeling judged.


I love everything about this group and Katie has been absolutely amazing and a huge support.


I love the community. Everyone is always so helpful.


I love the community MOMnation has created! I love the help and thoughts of the community.


When I joined the group a few years ago I was a new mom. I lived in North Phoenix and saw there was several really cool events I wanted to go to but couldn’t work up the nerve to go. I blamed it on being too far away. A few years later I started to participate in the group a little bit and I noticed a few of the moms had called to use my services (pest control) and I started to feel support. I bought tickets to my first event which was Prom last year. Everyone was super cool and inviting. Now the girl who was afraid to go to an event - hosts her own events and try’s to encourage others to come out of their shells. The friends I've made from this group have been life changing. The personal growth I’ve experienced is because of this group. Thank you for making a safe place for us to be moms. A place to ask advice and not be judged. A place to make connections and help support each other as mom bosses, in which ever way that is.

Holly Parker

Shortly after having my oldest daughter I stumbled upon a mom's group on Facebook. As a new mom my life has changed for the better, but a new sense of loneliness came over me. I needed to be apart of a tribe that could support me through this new adventure. MOMnation was the only mom's group that I found that provided that sense of belonging without judgement. I started joining events and meeting women who understood what this journey was like with open arms. I am forever grateful for what MOMnation has done for not only me, but also my family. I've found my tribe! Thank you MOMnation!

Leila Robbins

Who would have believed that a group of women , families and children could impact one's life the way this one has. Having a child at 25 I was a lone wolf ... The only person having a kid in my age group. The only person with their baby at the bar and all the eyes and judgement on me. I went through alot of things as a first time mother did, yet I did them alone. I had no clue except that I loved that little human and I needed to figure it out. Fast forward to 2014 newly married and decided to have another child. Facebook was my new friend ... I knew that I wanted to do this right this time and be all natural slightly educated and not alone in my journey so I joined MOMnation! This was before all the development in the group, back when we just would post and talk about meeting up for playdates and coffee. Maybe even a birthday party or two. One of the very first events was mommy and me yoga session one of the moms set up, and I thank that person to this day , because I met some of my closest friends that day. Our children have and continue to grow together, as well as us as moms. Being a Mom is hard, being a whole for yourself and your family is also tough, but the love and out poor of support I have received over these years from all mom's in this group has definitely helped me get to where I am in my journey... 2 kids later, 2 businesses, and a bunch of friends later.... I am not alone, I continue to receive knowledge and love from this group and can't thank everyone enough!!!

Liz Shepard

I joined MOMnation in the very beginning before it was MOMnation. I was a single mom when I first joined. I was terrified as I was pregnant at the time with my youngest Noah and I was unsure of my relationship with my boyfriend. I didn’t know many moms and I felt very alone. I remember my first Moms night at Karaoke I met the best group of Moms ever. I have become great friends with them. We have gone to Las Vegas together and done fun gatherings. Since I joined MOMNation I have made so many great friends including two of my very best friends. I have called them when I am having a hard time they have talked to me late at night when I need to vent. We hang out one of them lives down the street from me and the other is only 15 min fro my house. MOMnation has made me feel welcomed and loved I have met most my close mom friends through the group we have laughed together and cried together. I don’t know what I would do with out this group. Speed dating was my favorite as I have been able to meet and talk to so many amazing Moms I have Autism Spectrum Disorder as does my youngest son. Making friends has never been easy for me but the Moms have always accepted me for who I am. They have seen me at my worst and celebrated me at my best. Thank you MOMnation for showing me that I am still a valuable and loved person and for being my family when I need one! MOMnation mom for life!

Alicia Spring (Summers)

I joined MOMnation after a friend suggested it for looking for sitters. It turned out to be so much more. Everyday I’m on Facebook and I get to see moms like me...moms who struggle, moms who don’t always know what they are doing, moms who feel like they aren’t enough, and moms who just need a friend. Being a SAHM can be pretty lonely and just being apart of this group makes me feel connected to a whole group of strong women. It’s a place to vent, get help, or share silly pics from our day. Anytime I have a question or wonder “is this normal” my first choice to search momnation for other moms who’ve felt or thought like me. When I want a trusted source for where to take my business (for just about anything you can think of) I look to MOMnation. MOMnation to me means I don’t have to do this mom thing alone. That even when I’m confined to a house with two girls under 2 I have this portal to other women. I may not have met them and I might not get to but there they are ready to answer and question or offer support. I look forward to being able to meet some of these women who have taken the time to be apart of my life. I have to say that finding this group as been such a blessing!

Alexis Loughead

Having 3 small children it's rough being a mom, running a business, and feeling like a human being. MOMnation has given opportunities to take my kids to new places, like the idea museum. I don't remember how but I wound up with a free pass and my kids were so thrilled to get out of the house and do something fun because being outnumbered I usually make them hermits! We also have had the chance to host park and splash pad play dates to meet nee friends and experience fresh air! Last but not least, the connections and relationships I have built have made me a better person and motivated me to continue my journey of personal growth and share that with others. This has not only helped my business thrive but also built my confidence and self esteem and that is priceless. I will never be able to repay what I have gotten from being a part of such an incredible community but I am beyond proud to support our MOMnation!

Beth Eastin

I am new to MOMnation but totally love it! Feels like a smaller, targeted community of local moms. Real life questions and support. Its helped me to feel better connected to the community and helped me feel more supported as a mom who's not alone going through parenting.

Melissa Green

I joined the group almost two years ago, my friend added me because she knew I cleaned houses and she loved my work! Shortly after being added, jobs started to flow in, it was just at the right time because my husband had gotten very sick and I had to cover all of our bills! He had been working a full time job and we were still scrapping by, but I gave my all in every job and my referrals started to over flow, everyone was happy with my work and I was just so amazed because I was able to pay all of our bills and put food on the table! We struggled for so long even when my husband worked full time, there was a point before I was added to the group that we were out of money, out of gas and out of food, me being 7 months pregnant I panhandled, I got 8 dollars! 4$ for electricity and 4$ for gas, and our church, (where we met Christina) gave us 50$ for food, I was so tired of just making it by and my friend knew that, I don’t think either of us knew how impactful adding me to the group would be but I’m telling you, I will forever be grateful!! I’ve made so many friends and met the best moms in the group and to be honest it’s my favorite group on Facebook, if you want like minded mamas to surround your self with, meaning moms who help each other, moms who work hard and moms who want the best for they’re families, this is the group to be in, simply step out and you’ll find that they’re are amazing women in this group! With this group, no mama will be left struggling or feeling hopeless! MOMnation Rocks!! Thanks all of you ladies that make it happen!!! ❤


Even though I’ve only been apart of the MOMnation networking group for a few short months I have seen a definite increase in my business. I am looking forward to seeing what the new year brings! The MOMnation group has certainly exceeded my expectations, with so many supportive wonderful women, all the events that they put together, tons of knowledge and fun! I am so thankful to be a member of this group.

Christle McGuiness



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