Be Confident on Camera and Boost Your Biz!

Hey BizMoms,

Let’s get real—juggling business, family, and everything in between can be a lot. Now, add the pressure of creating video content for your brand, and it’s easy to feel like you’re in over your head. But here’s the truth: if you’re not leveraging the power of video, you’re missing out on one of the best ways to grow your business. Did you know that 72% of people prefer learning about products through video? And videos on social media get 48% more engagement than other posts! Those are some serious stats!

But we get it—the idea of being on camera can feel pretty intimidating. Whether it’s the fear of stumbling over your words or just not feeling “camera-ready,” we’ve all been there. But guess what? You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be you.

Here’s how to gain confidence and create impactful videos that help your business thrive:

Photo by Blue Bird

It Starts with Mindset

First things first: let go of perfectionism. Your audience doesn’t expect you to be flawless—they want to connect with the real you. So if you’re nervous about being on camera, remember this: authentic is better than perfect. It’s okay to make a few mistakes along the way; in fact, it makes you relatable! Own it, and show up as your true self.


Start Small and Keep It Simple

Feeling the pressure to create a big, flashy video right off the bat? Relax! Your first videos can be short, sweet, and simple. Maybe it’s a quick introduction, or you share one tip or answer a common client question. Keeping it light will help ease you into the process. As you get more comfortable, you can expand into more complex content—no rush!

Photo by Guto Macedo

Prep Like a Pro

Confidence on the camera starts with preparation. Write down a few bullet points (not a full script!) to stay on track. Then, practice! The more you rehearse, the more comfortable you’ll feel when it’s time to hit record. Pro tip: practice in front of a mirror so that you can check your facial expressions and body language—this will help you shine!


Use What You’ve Got

Don’t feel like you need a Hollywood-level production setup to get started. Your smartphone camera is more than enough! Just pay attention to good lighting (natural light from a window is perfect) and decent sound (an affordable microphone can do wonders). A ring light or basic lighting kit can also take your videos to the next level without breaking the bank.

Consistency is Queen

Like anything, getting good at video content takes time and practice. The more you do it, the more confident you’ll become. So make a plan to post regularly—even if it’s just once a week—and stick with it. Over time, you’ll see yourself (and your business) grow!


Ready to Rock the Camera?

Here at BizMom Networking, we know how well video content can elevate your business to new heights. If you’re ready to face the camera with confidence and connect with your audience like never before, be sure to check out the replay of our monthly Lunchtime Power Hour, Confident on Camera.  We talk about everything you need to know to get started —from beating the nerves to creating killer video content that actually works!

So Mama, it’s time to step in front of the camera and let your brand shine! Until next month, keep creating!

Stay Creative,

Diana P.
ICre8_Me Design Studio


Join us next time in our bizMOM Networking Group’s Lunchtime Power Hour! These recurring monthly Lunchtime Power Hour Meetings take place on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 12pm AZ time. 

Catchup by watching some of our previous meetings

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