School Lunch Bag!  How to Prepare for the Cafeteria at School

Your child may only have 20 minutes to eat. There will be volunteers to help, but waiting for them costs delicious time! Bring food rather…

Should I Test My Child Into Kindergarten Early in Arizona?

Kindergarten…it’s a hot topic amongst Moms in Arizona. We start school here SO early compared to parts of the country. Growing up in New Jersey,…

What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?  A MOMs guide to returning to College as an Adult

It’s a loaded question for many. I mean, in this group, we are all moms. So that means we sometimes lose our identity in the…

Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption with Central AC Use in Arizona

TIPS TO REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION WITH CENTRAL AC USE Home heating and/or cooling, depending on where you live, are your largest home energy consumption activities.… presents PROM2018: A Prom for Parents

On Saturday, August 18, from 6pm to 11pm, 100 couples and probably even a few singles going stag, will gather at the historic Crowne Plaza…

Escape the Phoenix heat to Mount Ord!

Mount Ord Escape 105 degrees to 80 degrees in 90 min. Mount Ord is a great destination to not only escape the heat but also…

How to Cope When In-Laws Overstep

I see it far too often in mom groups – a young mother asking how to deal with her in-laws, usually her mother-in-law. There are…

2018’s Top 7 ‘MOM Approved’ Neighborhoods in the Phoenix area

Our MOM’s have spoken!  What are the top 7 favorite Phoenix area neighborhoods and why? Morrison Ranch in Gilbert won the TOP neighborhood of 2018!!  Why?…

Summer Camps and Programs in the Phoenix AZ area

Summer is coming and the kiddos only have a few days left in the school year. MOMs are scrambling to find an exciting solution for…

7 Kid-Friendly Ways to Stay Cool in Phoenix, AZ this Summer

Yes, it’s hot but you don’t have to go into hibernation this summer!  There’s plenty to do in the Valley of the Sun even in…

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