Should I Test My Child Into Kindergarten Early in Arizona?
Kindergarten…it’s a hot topic amongst Moms in Arizona. We start school here SO early compared to parts of the country. Growing up in New Jersey, we started after labor day so the cut-off dates were different. My Mom also told me that Kindergarten wasn’t as rigorous when I was young.
In Arizona, the cutoff to enter Kindergarten is generally August 31st. Your child would have to be 5 years old by the cutoff date to enter Kindergarten without having to take an early entrance test. However, there is an option in most districts to test in for children whose birthdays fall between September 1st and December 31st. But, is it a good idea?
When speaking with some of the 5,000+ Moms in the MOMnationAZ Facebook Group, it’s a pretty common theme that most would rather have their boys wait to start so they will be older than many other kids in the class. Generally, boys mature at a slower pace than girls and benefit from being older. Girls are more favorable for early entrance because they are usually more mature and advanced. One Mom said, in California the cutoff is December 31st. She mentioned one of her kids that she thought would do great, ended up struggling and the other ended up thriving. It was still recommended to hold them back when they moved to AZ because the school they chose was more rigorous. A few teachers that chimed in said they can definitely see the maturity difference in the kids who are younger vs older. Still, kids will be kids and each are different! Many Moms commented that their kids tested in early and are still thriving years later!
A few things to think about if you want to test your child in early:
Have they gone to preschool in a classroom setting? This helped our daughter tremendously with her knowledge and social encounters. She was reading by the age of 4 and knows all of the topics that are on the list of what they will learn in Kindergarten. She also learned sharing and working with others.
Do they know the items on the Kindergarten readiness sheet? It’s not all just academic. A few of the items are:
Can they put on their jacket or backpack themselves?
Do they separate well from their parents?
Can they open their own snacks and lunch?
Can they wipe their own butt? HAHA. Mine is still learning!
3) Think about the future:
They will be the last to drive in their grade. Since you can get your license at 16 in Arizona, I considered this a non-issue. She will still be able to drive almost 2 years in High School.
Boys may be smaller than others in their class and have a disadvantage in sports.
Girls would be entering high school at 13 years old which is not comforting to some parents, especially their Dads.
You’re probably wondering what to do if you want to test your child in early. Here’s the process that we went through. Each school district may be different so do your research! I would start planning at least a year ahead to prepare your child. Start researching schools and their policies and talk to other parents with kids in that school.
I called the school district office in March to ask when they would be doing the early testing. The lady put me on the list and called me in April to schedule the test.
Send in payment for the testing (if applicable). It was $30 in our district.
The day of testing (in June), we checked in in the library and they had coloring sheets for the kids. Our group was mostly girls and one little boy. When it was time to go back, the teacher had them line up and go to a different room. They observed who separated well and who listened to directions.
My Daughter’s Review of What They Did in Testing (Varies by District)
They were instructed to draw a circle and write their name inside the circle. Then, they had to place a sticker above their name and then cut out the circle.
She said they did some practice with identifying letters, but didn’t fully explain.
The teacher read them a book and I’m guessing that she was watching to see how they sit still and listen.
Afterwards they colored a caterpillar and started to cut it out.
She specifically told me that she listened when the teacher said to push in their chairs.
About a week and a half later we got the letter that she was accepted into Kindergarten! The teacher does evaluate each early entrance child at 30 days to determine if Kindergarten is a good fit.
Our district does a 3 day Kinder Camp type of program to get them used to the classroom setting. I highly recommend this if your district offers it! My daughter loved Kinder Camp! I feel this made her first day of real Kindergarten so much easier especially being a little fish in a big sea!
Meanwhile, I’m over here about to cry my eyes out because my baby moved from her wonderful Preschool into Kindergarten!

Jen Duncan AKA The New Build Ninja
(480) 707-7554
Jen Duncan, super MOMmy of one special little lady, fearlessly guiding local MOMs and Dads through the real estate process with extra ninja prowess in new construction. SEARCH new homes here!
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Aww yay!! To add to this post now that we’re 4 weeks in, Work with them on their focus! Her teacher says the younger ones have less impulse control so it’s a good idea to see how they do in that area as well.